AB720,31,1919 3. The testator executed the will as a free and voluntary act.
AB720,31,2120 4. Each of the witnesses, in the conscious presence of the testator, signed the
21will as witness.
AB720,31,2422 5. To the best of the knowledge of each witness, the testator was, at the time
23of execution, 18 years of age or older, of sound mind and under no constraint or undue
AB720,31,2525 Testator: ....
1Witness: ....
AB720,32,22 Witness: ....
AB720,32,43 (b) Subscribed and sworn to before me by ...., the testator, and by ...., and ....,
4witnesses, this .... day of ...., .....
AB720,32,55 (Seal) ....
AB720,32,66 (Signed): ....
AB720,32,77 (Official capacity of officer): ....
AB720,32,10 8(3) Effect of affidavit. (a) A signature affixed to a self-proving affidavit
9attached to a will is considered a signature affixed to the will, if necessary to prove
10the due execution of the will.
AB720,32,1211 (b) Inclusion in a will of an affidavit in substantially the form under sub. (1)
12or (2) is conclusive evidence that the will was executed in compliance with s. 853.03.
AB720, s. 130 13Section 130. 853.05 of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
AB720,32,16 14853.05 Execution of wills outside the state or by nonresidents within
15this state.
(1) A will is validly executed if it is in writing and any of the following
AB720,32,1717 (a) The will is executed according to s. 853.03.
AB720,32,1918 (b) The will is executed in accordance with the law, at the time of execution or
19at the time of death, of any of the following:
AB720,32,2020 1. The place where the will was executed.
AB720,32,2221 2. The place where the testator resided, was domiciled or was a national at the
22time of execution.
AB720,32,2423 3. The place where the testator resided, was domiciled or was a national at the
24time of death.
1(2) Any will under sub. (1) (b) has the same effect as if executed in this state
2in compliance with s. 853.03.
AB720, s. 131 3Section 131. 853.07 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 853.07 (2) (a) and
4amended to read:
AB720,33,75 853.07 (2) (a) A Subject to pars. (b) and (c), a will is not invalidated because
6it is signed by an interested witness; but, unless the will is also signed by 2
7disinterested witnesses
AB720,33,12 8(b) Except as provided in par. (c), any beneficial provisions of the will for a
9witness or the spouse of the a witness are invalid to the extent that such provisions
10in the aggregate exceed in value
the aggregate value of those provisions exceeds what
11the witness or spouse would have received had the testator died intestate. Valuation
12is to be made as of testator's death.
AB720, s. 132 13Section 132. 853.07 (2) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
AB720,33,1414 853.07 (2) (c) Paragraph (b) does not apply if any of the following applies:
AB720,33,1515 1. The will is also signed by 2 disinterested witnesses.
AB720,33,1716 2. There is sufficient evidence that the testator intended the full transfer to
17take effect.
AB720, s. 133 18Section 133. 853.11 (1) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB720,33,1919 853.11 (1) (title) Subsequent Revocation by writing or physical act.
AB720, s. 134 20Section 134. 853.11 (1) (intro.) and (a) of the statutes are consolidated,
21renumbered 853.11 (1) (a) and amended to read:
AB720,33,2522 853.11 (1) (a) A will is revoked in whole or in part by: (a) A a subsequent will,
23codicil or other instrument which
that is executed in compliance with s. 853.03 or
24853.05 and which that revokes the prior will or a part thereof expressly or by
25inconsistency; or.
AB720, s. 135
1Section 135. 853.11 (1) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 853.11 (1m) and
2amended to read:
AB720,34,63 853.11 (1m) (title) Revocation by physical act. Burning A will is revoked in
4whole or in part by burning
, tearing, canceling or , obliterating or destroying the will,
5or part, with the intent to revoke, by the testator or by some person in the testator's
6conscious presence and by the testator's direction.
AB720, s. 136 7Section 136. 853.11 (1) (bm) of the statutes is created to read:
AB720,34,108 853.11 (1) (bm) 1. A subsequent will wholly revokes the prior will if the testator
9intended the subsequent will to replace rather than supplement the prior will,
10regardless of whether the subsequent will expressly revokes the prior will.
AB720,34,1411 2. The testator is presumed to have intended a subsequent will to replace,
12rather than supplement, the prior will if the subsequent will completely disposes of
13the testator's estate. If this presumption arises and is not rebutted by clear and
14convincing evidence, the prior will is revoked.
AB720,34,1915 3. The testator is presumed to have intended a subsequent will to supplement,
16rather than replace, the prior will if the subsequent will does not completely dispose
17of the testator's estate. If this presumption arises and is not rebutted by clear and
18convincing evidence, the subsequent will revokes the prior will only to the extent of
19any inconsistency.
AB720, s. 137 20Section 137. 853.11 (2) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
AB720,34,2321 853.11 (2) Premarital will. (a) Entitlement of surviving spouse. Subject to par.
22(c), if the testator married the surviving spouse after the testator executed his or her
23will, the surviving spouse is entitled to a share of the probate estate.
AB720,35,224 (b) Value of share. The value of the share under par. (a) is the value of the share
25that the surviving spouse would have received had the testator died with an intestate

1estate equal to the value of the net estate of the decedent less the value of all of the
AB720,35,53 1. All devises to or for the benefit of the testator's children who were born before
4the marriage to the surviving spouse and who are not also the children of the
5surviving spouse.
AB720,35,66 2. All devises to or for the benefit of the issue of a child described in subd. 1.
AB720,35,87 3. All devises that pass under s. 854.06, 854.07, 854.21 or 854.22 to or for the
8benefit of children described in subd. 1. or issue of those children.
AB720,35,99 (c) Exceptions. Paragraph (a) does not apply if any of the following applies:
AB720,35,1110 1. It appears from the will or other evidence that the will was made in
11contemplation of the testator's marriage to the surviving spouse.
AB720,35,1412 2. It appears from the will or other evidence that the will is intended to be
13effective notwithstanding any subsequent marriage, or there is sufficient evidence
14that the testator considered revising the will after marriage but decided not to.
AB720,35,1815 3. The testator provided for the spouse by transfer outside the will and the
16intent that the transfer be in lieu of a testamentary provision is shown by the
17testator's statements or is reasonably inferred from the amount of the transfer or
18other evidence.
AB720,35,2119 4. The testator and the spouse have entered into an agreement that complies
20with ch. 766 and that provides for the spouse or specifies that the spouse is to have
21no rights in the testator's estate.
AB720,35,2222 (d) Priority and abatement. In satisfying the share provided by this subsection:
AB720,35,2423 1. Amounts received by the surviving spouse under s. 861.02 and devises made
24by will to the surviving spouse are applied first.
12. Devises other than those described in par. (b) 1. to 3. abate as provided under
2s. 854.18.
AB720, s. 138 3Section 138. 853.11 (3) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
AB720,36,54 853.11 (3) Former spouse. The effect of a transfer under a will to a former
5spouse is governed by s. 854.15.
AB720, s. 139 6Section 139. 853.11 (3m) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
AB720,36,97 853.11 (3m) Intentional killing of decedent by beneficiary. If a beneficiary
8under a will killed the decedent, the rights of that beneficiary are governed by s.
AB720, s. 140 10Section 140. 853.11 (6) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
AB720,36,1611 853.11 (6) Revival of revoked will. (a) If a subsequent will that partly revoked
12a previous will is itself revoked by a revocatory act under sub. (1m), the revoked part
13of the previous will is revived. This paragraph does not apply if it is evident from the
14circumstances of the revocation of the subsequent will or from the testator's
15contemporary or subsequent declarations that the testator did not intend the
16revoked part of the previous will to take effect as executed.
AB720,36,2117 (b) If a subsequent will that wholly revoked a previous will is itself revoked by
18a revocatory act under sub. (1m), the previous will remains revoked unless it is
19revived. The previous will is revived if it is evident from the circumstances of the
20revocation of the subsequent will or from the testator's contemporary or subsequent
21declarations that the testator intended the previous will to take effect as executed.
AB720,37,222 (c) If a subsequent will that wholly or partly revoked a previous will is itself
23revoked by another, later will, the previous will or its revoked part remains revoked,
24unless it or its revoked part is revived. The previous will or its revoked part is revived
25to the extent that it appears from the terms of the later will, or from the testator's

1contemporary or subsequent declarations, that the testator intended the previous
2will to take effect.
AB720,37,43 (d) In the absence of an original valid will, establishment of the execution and
4validity of the revived will or part is governed by s. 856.17.
AB720, s. 141 5Section 141. 853.13 of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
AB720,37,7 6853.13 Contracts. (1) A contract to make a will or devise, not to revoke a will
7or devise or to die intestate may be established only by any of the following:
AB720,37,88 (a) Provisions of a will stating the material provisions of the contract.
AB720,37,109 (b) An express reference in a will to a contract and extrinsic evidence proving
10the terms of the contract.
AB720,37,1211 (c) A valid written contract, including a marital property agreement under s.
12766.58 (3) (e).
AB720,37,1313 (d) Clear and convincing extrinsic evidence.
AB720,37,15 14(2) The execution of a joint will or mutual wills does not create a presumption
15of a contract not to revoke the will or wills.
AB720, s. 142 16Section 142. 853.15 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 853.15 (1) (a) and
17amended to read:
AB720,37,2218 853.15 (1) (a) Unless the will provides otherwise, this subsection applies if a
19will gives a bequest or devise to one beneficiary and also clearly purports to give to
20another beneficiary a property interest which that does not pass under the will but
21belongs to the first beneficiary by right of ownership, survivorship, beneficiary
22designation, election under s. 861.02 (1) or otherwise .
AB720,38,4 23(b) If the conditions in par. (a) are fulfilled, the first beneficiary must elect
24either to take under the will and transfer his or her property interest in accordance
25with the will, or to retain his or her property interest and not take under the will.

1If the first beneficiary elects not to take under the will, unless the will provides
2otherwise the bequest or his or her devise given him or her under the will is to shall
3be assigned by the court to the other beneficiary in lieu of the property interest which
4does not pass under the will
AB720,38,7 5(c) This section does not require an election if the property interest belongs to
6the first beneficiary by reason because of transfer or beneficiary designation made
7by the decedent after the execution of the will.
AB720, s. 143 8Section 143. 853.16 (title) of the statutes is repealed.
AB720, s. 144 9Section 144. 853.16 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 853.32 (2) (a).
AB720, s. 145 10Section 145. 853.16 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 853.32 (2) (b) and
11amended to read:
AB720,38,1512 853.32 (2) (b) Another document under sub. (1) par. (a) is valid even if it does
13not exist when the will is executed, even if it is changed after the will is executed and
14even if it has no significance except for its effect on the disposition of property by the
AB720, s. 146 16Section 146. 853.19 of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
AB720,38,18 17853.19 Advancement. The effect of a lifetime gift by the testator on the rights
18of a beneficiary under the will is governed by s. 854.09.
AB720, s. 147 19Section 147. 853.25 (1) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
AB720,38,2320 853.25 (1) Children born or adopted after making of the will. (a)
21Applicability. Except as provided in sub. (5), if a will fails to provide for a child of the
22testator born or adopted after execution of the will, the child is entitled to a share of
23the estate unless any of the following applies:
AB720,38,2524 1. It appears from the will or from other evidence that the omission was
12. The testator provided for the omitted child by transfer outside the will and
2the intent that the transfer be in lieu of a testamentary provision is shown by the
3testator's statements or is reasonably inferred from the amount of the transfer or
4other evidence.
AB720,39,125 (b) Share if testator had no living child at execution. Except as provided in sub.
6(5), if a will fails to provide for a child of the testator born or adopted after the
7execution of the will and the testator had no child living when he or she executed the
8will, the omitted child receives a share in the estate equal in value to that which the
9child would have received under ch. 852. This paragraph does not apply if the will
10devised all or substantially all of the estate to or for the benefit of the other parent
11of the omitted child and that other parent survives the testator and is entitled to take
12under the will.
AB720,39,1713 (c) Share if testator had living child at execution. Except as provided in sub.
14(5), if a will fails to provide for a child of the testator born or adopted after the
15execution of the will and the testator had one or more children living when he or she
16executed the will and the will devised property to one or more of the then-living
17children, the omitted child is entitled to share in the testator's estate as follows:
AB720,39,1918 1. The portion that the omitted child is entitled to share is limited to devises
19made to the testator's then-living children under the will.
AB720,39,2320 2. The omitted child is entitled to receive the share of the testator's estate, as
21limited in subd. 1., that the child would have received had the testator included all
22omitted after-born and after-adopted children with the children to whom devises
23were made under the will and had given an equal share of the estate to each child.
13. To the extent feasible, the interest granted an omitted child under this
2section shall be of the same character, whether equitable or legal, present or future,
3as that devised to the testator's then-living children under the will.
AB720,40,74 4. In satisfying a share provided by this paragraph, devises to the testator's
5children who were living when the will was executed abate ratably. In abating the
6devises of the then-living children, the court shall preserve to the maximum extent
7possible the character of the testamentary plan adopted by the testator.
AB720,40,118 (d) Rights of issue. Except as provided in sub. (5), if a child entitled to a share
9under this section dies before the testator, and the child leaves issue who survive the
10testator, the issue who represent the deceased child are entitled to the deceased
11child's share.
AB720, s. 148 12Section 148. 853.25 (2) of the statutes is amended to read: